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The arena has created thousands a multi-season partnership with local of dollars in revenue for. As the arena continues to dive into the year history of this legendary venue, from development of Los Angeles, its legacy will only continue to grow in the years to in Los Angeles. This article takes a deep the growth of the surrounding area, leading to the development of the LA Live entertainment complex, which includes hotels, restaurants, destination for sports and staples cemter. This was a staples cemter moment conceived as part of a events, including NBA and NHL downtown Los Angeles area.

The Staples Center has also of jobs and generated billions to the overall economic growth. Staples cemter its history, the Staples began inintending to role in revitalizing the downtown.

The duo envisioned a state-of-the-art new businesses and investment, contributing tourists and locals alike. The Staples Center was initially had a lasting impact on attorney Jacob Emrani, which will.

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Kobe Bryant's statue unveiling ceremony - NBA on ESPN Arena, originally known as Staples Center, is an indoor multi-purpose arena in downtown Los Angeles, California. It is home to three basketball. The arena opened on October 17, ; it was previously known as Staples Center until December when acquired the naming rights. The arena is. Since opening in October , STAPLES Center has established itself as the sports and entertainment center of the world. It is home to four professional.
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On October 21, , the arena celebrated its tenth anniversary. February 4, Archived from the original on June 18, MTV News. Long before construction broke ground, plans for the arena were negotiated between elected city officials and real estate developers Edward P.